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With more than 70 Global Platforms across 30 countries, we are more than a network; we are a force for change.

18 Countries


1 platform
Kenya, Africa

Global Platform Kenya

Global Platform Kenya is a training hub for youth empowerment and activism. We work with young people, organisations and movements fighting for social justice. Youth leadership and engagement is a vital component in our  vision of transformative change, challenging power structures in the fight for democracy and human rights, economic and climate justice. We offer a dynamic and inspiring environment where young people can think freely, develop their own ideas, and connect, discuss, and act on local, national, and global issues.


1 platform
Tanzania, Africa

Global Platform Tanzania

Global Platform Tanzania is a network of 10 localised training hubs for youth-led activism across the country in Kilwa, Unguja, Mafia, Pemba, Chamwino, and Singida. Through a focus on organising and solidarity across socio-political boundaries, the GPs link youth networks, movements, organisations, and individuals who promote the agenda of progressive social, political and economic change with an agenda of building collective power and facilitating skills creating opportunities that will lead to youth-led social change and joint actions on local, national, and global levels.


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Uganda, Africa

Global Platform Uganda

Global Platform Uganda operates a physical hub in post-conflict Northern Uganda. We mobilise and engage with and around the most marginalised young people living in poverty, economic, political, and social exclusion, protracted crises, and fragile contexts. This includes young people living in rural communities, informal settlements, in displacement, as well as urban and peri-urban communities and allies who act on shared challenges or in solidarity. GPU utilises both specific programmatic interventions as well as a mainstreaming approach to reach young women with a focus on developing young people’s leadership within economic justice, governance, feminist leadership, climate justice, civic space, and humanitarian contexts. 


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Zambia, Africa

Global Platform Zambia

Located in the heart of the Capital City, Global Platform Zambia is an open, free, and safe space for young people and social movements to come together, learn from each other, and co-create ideas on issues affecting them. Every week, we host a variety of events at our Hub where young people share and discuss ideas – from political perspectives, enviromental and health issues, ideas for creative activism and so much more. Our hub also has a Pop-up radio focused on youth related issues, as well as a cafe where young people can just walk in enjoy different games like pool, table tenis or simply seat in and enjoy our green garden. Social Movements can participate in some of our signature events such as the Paint4Change program and the Climate Cafe. Please come by the GP to hear more!


1 platform
Senegal, Africa

Global Platform Senegal

Global Platforms Senegal, established in April 2020, collaborates with ActionAid Senegal and partners to address challenges faced by the youth population. Anchored in the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA), it emphasises participation, innovation, flexibility, efficiency, and inclusion. With over 70% of Senegal's population under 35, youth employability, governance, corruption, and environmental issues are significant. Global Platforms Senegal views these challenges as opportunities for a fair, green, feminist, and sustainable future. Focusing on  climate change, FGM, governance, education, economic justice, and public services, it collaborates with a broad network including 13 youth Activista platforms, 27 young girls' clubs, and over 10 youth organizations. Through capacity building, advocacy, community mobilisation, and social movement building, Global Platforms Senegal aims to enhance youth self-awareness, community engagement, and trust with governance structures at local and national levels, fostering youth leadership and accountability.

Sierra Leone

1 platform
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone, Africa

Global Platform Sierra Leone

At Global Platform Sierra Leone, we collaborate and support social movements and networks that work to promote climate justice, development, and political change within the country. We inspire young people to connect with one another and act together to address issues that affect youth, women, and girls. 


1 platform
Ethiopia, Africa

Global Platform Ethiopia

Global Platform Ethiopia is an emerging safe space and vibrant youth-led platform that empowers young people, particularly young women and girls and their organisations to challenge power imbalances, gender inequality, and social injustices. Through physical and digital spaces, young people from different parts of Ethiopia network, exercise leadership, share lessons to enhance their collective actions and claim their rights, create alliances, share lessons to enhance their collective actions and claim their rights, and are supported to take actions on common causes through capacity building. Global Platform Ethiopia mainly focuses on youth leadership development by engaging young people in dialogue, campaigns, movements, edu-tainment, and supporting them in their activism and advocacy efforts. 


1 platform
Ghana, Africa

Global Platform Ghana

Are you looking to gain new experiences from different cultures, propel your capacity and inspire action towards sustainable solutions and social justice? Global Platform Ghana is ActionAid Ghana’s strategy to enhance youth engagement work and currently works with several youth groups including key population groups and partners to strengthen capacity. We prioritize diversity and inclusivity through our initiatives including our foreign exchange programs, artistic activism, speaking truth to power for transformation in health, governance, climate justice and organizational development. We are excited and honoured to join hands with you to achieve desirable impact! Akwaaba!


3 platforms
Zimbabwe, Africa

Global Platform Zimbabwe

Welcome to Global Platform Zimbabwe, located in the capital city, Harare, where young people take the lead in shaping a brighter future! Our space is not just open and safe; it's a dynamic hub for young minds, their movements, networks and organizations, to connect, learn, and ignite change. Dive into our diverse training programs covering climate justice, youth-leadership in emergencies, and youth-led activism, amongst others. From our Debate and Public Speaking clubs, the spirited and engaging #Dandaro cafe, the Meet, Share and Learn dialogues, to our popular podcast, #DareGuru, we host exciting weekly activities covering feminism, climate justice, social justice, economic justice, politics, and more. We also have a mobile GP through which we extend our reach to grassroots communities, engaging in youth-led initiatives that resonate with local needs. 

Zimbabwe, Africa

Transformation Innovation Hub

The Transformation Innovation Hub (TIH) is a youth-led hub that empowers refugees and local youth in the Tongogara Refugee Camp through self-innovation, exploration, and social entrepreneurship. TIH works to create job opportunities for both refugees and locals. Our social enterprises focus on addressing social and environmental challenges and we are also working to raise awareness about waste reduction and recycling.

Zimbabwe, Africa

Waterfalls Youth Hub

Waterfalls Youth Hub is a safe space in Harare South for young people to heal from different traumatic experiences whilst at the same time gaining critical knowledge and skills, and convene on building progressive relations with service providers. The youth hub houses an information kiosk, a resource centre/library, conference facility, day care centre and skills training centre.  It is a transformational space that is empowering and transforming the lives of young people, especially those exposed to harsh social and economic conditions. 

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Nigeria, Africa

Global Platform Nigeria

Global Platform Nigeria provides innovative training and capacity development for young people to lead social, political, and economic change in Nigeria and beyond. We strengthen the capacity of young activists, youth platforms, organisations, human rights defenders, and social movements advocating for social justice. Embracing a pedagogy of shared leadership, we empower young people to learn by doing, fostering a safe space for dynamic and inspiring individuals to freely think, develop ideas, and engage in discussions and actions on local, national, and global issues. At Global Platform Nigeria, young people analyse and challenge power structures, organise and mobilise other young people to champion for sustainable and just solutions.


1 platform
Malawi, Africa

Global Platform Malawi

Global Platform Malawi is a safe space where young people’s urgency in social activism is inspired and nurtured for a greater course. We create physical and virtual space for young people to co-create and organize their activism, mobilize to act against all forms of human rights abuse, and reflect on actions and outcomes of interventions that are led by young people.

The Gambia

1 platform
The Gambia
The Gambia, Africa

GP Gambia

Global Platform Gambia was launched in 2023 and operates in five regions and two municipalities within the Gambia. Among other things, our members are now leading climate change discussions in their various communities, educating the larger public on feminist leadership, youth and women’s political participation.

2 Countries
Latin America

El Salvador

1 platform
El Salvador
El Salvador, Latin America

Plataforma Global El Salvador

Plataforma Global El Salvador es una organización que propicia el encuentro e intercambio entre juventudes organizadas y no organizadas para capacitarlas e involucrarlas en las transformaciones sociales y políticas, a través del fortalecimiento de capacidades y habilidades, utilizando metodologías alternativas, innovadoras, no violentas y participativas. Buscamos apoyar e inspirar a las juventudes a liderar activamente ejercicios de gobernanza e incidencia que permitan la transformación de narrativas, prácticas y procesos que cambien sus propias realidades a través de un enfoque de derechos humanos, ambiental y de género, promoviendo la democracia y la participación ciudadana.


1 platform
Guatemala, Latin America

CARTI- Global Platform Guatemala

At Global Platform Guatemala, also known as the Center for Artivism and Innovation (CARTI) , we prioritize culture as an exercise that helps societies heal wounds from the past, building a participatory, informed and unified citizenship. CARTI has created a concept of social intervention in which the tools are art, activism and digital media. We are a mixed, interdisciplinary team committed to transforming the unequal reality of Guatemala.

4 Countries


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Bangladesh, Asia

Global Platform Bangladesh

Global Platform Bangladesh is ActionAid Bangladesh’s main national youth-led physical and digital space for creative activism and organising. Located in Dhaka, It is digitally connected with 13 localized youth hubs across Bangladesh, providing mentorship and logistical support as well as a breeding space for generating national digital campaigns on feminism, climate justice and gender responsive public services. The Youth Hubs are part of a wider initiative focused on youth-led capacity development to practice their leadership and reach out to the most marginalized sections of society across the country, embodying the motto “locally rooted, globally connected!”. The Youth hubs are located in the following locations in Bangladesh: Dhaka, Bagerhat, Rampal, Chattogram, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar, Phulbari, Satkhira, Pathorghata, Shyamnagar, Noakhali, Kustia, Sumanganj and Mymensingh.


1 platform
Nepal, Asia

Global Platform Nepal

Global Platform Nepal is a safe and secure physical space for young people from marginalised, excluded, and exploited communities, including young girls and boys, localised in seven different geographies and contexts in Nepal as a Youth Hub initiative. Youth Hubs actively challenge discriminatory social norms, harmful practices such as chhaupadi, child marriage, the dowry system, and other forms of violence against women and girls by raising awareness through campaigns. They also advocate for systemic change by holding the government accountable for ensuring free and quality education and health services, climate justice, and humanitarian actions. GP Nepal accomplishes these goals through artivism, drama, flash mobs, literature, and creative art. 

4 Countries
Middle East


1 platform
Palestine, Middle East

Global Platform Palestine

Global Platform Palestine is a safe space operating in Bethlehem/West Bank, where young people come together to share ideas, initiatives, and advocate for positive change. It is a dedicated space for youth to translate their ideas and opinions into tangible realities, educating the broader public on feminist leadership, citizenship, communication,  youth and women's political engagement, and climate justice. By also collaborating with young people in preparedness and emergency response through comprehensive training programs, young people are empowered to make meaningful contributions and actively participate in building resilient communities. GP Palestine has embraced youth hub activities, promoting volunteerism and supporting youth-driven initiatives, particularly those related to climate justice and humanitarian efforts. By forging partnerships with humanitarian youth networks, the organisation extends its impact to encompass aiding young refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) and supporting youth-led humanitarian endeavours in various regions including refugee camps, the Jordan Valley, East Jerusalem, and Area C.


1 platform
Jordan, Middle East

Global Platform Jordan

Global Platform Jordan, a vibrant youth space under Drabzeen Human Development, is  a beacon of empowerment for both refugees and local youth in Jordan. With a commitment to fostering a sense of community, the platform hosts dynamic activities every week, fortnight, and month, spanning diverse topics such as feminism, climate justice, social justice, economic justice, and politics. Through engaging debates, dialogue, and informal education, Global Platform Jordan provides a nurturing environment for young minds to flourish. The space actively organises youth-driven activities that bring forth creative ideas, initiatives, and advocacy campaigns, channelling the energy of the next generation into positive change. Additionally, Global Platform Jordan extends its support to youth groups in the city working in the arts, amplifying the voices and expressions of the burgeoning artistic community.

4 Countries


1 platform
Denmark, Europe

Global Platform Copenhagen

We work for democracy and influence for vulnerable and underserved people deprived of their rights. We support young people in fighting for their rights. With a strong voice, young people all over the globe can help change the world and build democratic, sustainable societies.

We support young people in developing their voice, and we stand behind them to increase pressure on those in power to create a more just and sustainable world.

The core of our work is cooperation and development work, as well as humanitarian efforts when disaster and crisis strike. We are part of the international association ActionAid, which gives us access to more than 45 countries and direct contact with more than 25 million of the world’s poorest people. 


1 platform
Greece, Europe


Info is coming about our platform in Greece

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Italy, Europe

Global Platform Italy

Global Platform Italia is a roving and digital space created in 2022 with an aim to provide a safe space for activists, youth-led movements, and organizations to come together, acquire skills and knowledge for their activism while co-creating campaigns, advocacy actions, and youth-led initiatives. Our main focus is on capacity building, youth-led and people-powered campaigning, networking at local, national, and global levels, and amplifying young people’s fight for social justice. We work with young people from all over the country through a youth-led and intersectional feminist approach, supporting young people’s huge transformative potential by connecting the multiple crises we are facing and amplifying their voices for a green, feminist and just future. 

If you want to join our network, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!


1 platform
Romania, Europe

Global Platform Romania

Global Platform Romania is hosted by Timis County Youth Foundation (FITT) – a youth-led NGO established in 1990 in Timișoara, Western Romania. As an umbrella organisation with 32 youth organisation as members, FITT owns and administrates an 11.000 square metres youth house, having the Quality Label for Youth Centres from the Council of Europe. At the Youth House, different local NGOs meet and develop events for young people, while also serving as a space for Europe Direct Information. FITT is implementing programmes and activities dedicated to young people, focusing on promoting human rights, active citizenship, developing  young people’s competencies, fostering and encouraging youth participation and policy development at local and national levels.